Fuel Your Day: The Importance of Protein and Ways to Increase Intake

Fuel Your Day: The Importance of Protein and Ways to Increase Intake

Ever wondered if there's a secret ingredient to supercharge your health? Well, spoiler alert – there is! It’s called protein. On this National Protein Day, let’s explore the importance of protein and how to incorporate this important nutrient into your diet. Ready to improve your health, one protein-packed choice at a time? Let's dive in!

Understanding the Importance of Protein

At its essence, protein is composed of amino acids – the building blocks of life. These amino acids (essential and non-essential), are crucial for various bodily functions. While our bodies can produce non-essential amino acids, essential amino acids must be obtained through our diet, making the variety of protein sources we consume important for providing the full spectrum of amino acids necessary for optimal health.

One of the most well-known functions of protein is its role in muscle development and repair after exercise. Protein can also be a game-changer when it comes to metabolism and weight management. Proteins have a higher thermic effect compared to fats and carbohydrates, meaning that the body expends more energy in digesting and processing proteins. They also help us feel full for longer and help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of energy crashes and cravings.

But its benefits don’t stop there – proteins are integral components of our immune system. Antibodies, which play a crucial role in defending the body against infections, are proteins. Ensuring an adequate protein intake supports the production and function of these immune warriors, enhancing our ability to fend off illnesses.

This all sounds great, but how do we go about incorporating more protein into our diets? Let’s find out!

Incorporating More Protein Into Your Daily Routine

Making protein a consistent part of your daily routine is simpler than you might think. Here are 3 strategies to increase your protein intake:

1. Kickstart Your Day with Protein

Mornings set the tone for the day, and what better way to begin than with a protein-packed breakfast? Consider options like:

  • Scrambled eggs with veggies

  • A protein smoothie blended with fruits, Greek yogurt, and a scoop of protein powder

  • Oatmeal topped with natural peanut butter or seeds (like hemp hearts)

  • Vegan alternative: Plant-based protein smoothie with almond milk, chia seeds, and a scoop of pea protein, paired with avocado toast

2. Smart Snacking with Protein

Snacking can be a strategic move to boost your protein intake. Choose nutrient-dense options such as:

  • Almonds or mixed nuts

  • Greek yogurt with berries

  • Hummus with veggies or whole-grain crackers

  • Vegan alternatives: Roasted chickpeas, edamame, or a small bowl of quinoa salad

3. Prioritize Protein Every Meal

Make protein the star of your meals by incorporating:

  • Lean meats like chicken or turkey

  • Fatty fish rich in omega-3s such as salmon or mackerel

  • Plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, or tofu

  • Experiment with diverse recipes to ensure your meals are not only nutritious but also delicious. Consider a colourful quinoa and vegetable stir-fry or a hearty lentil soup to add variety to your plate.

Crafting a Lifelong Habit

Prioritizing protein in your diet involves more than just meal choices; it's about understanding your body's unique needs and crafting a sustainable approach. Here are 3 aspects to consider:

1. Diversify Your Protein Choices

Expand your protein options by exploring both animal and plant-based sources. While lean meats offer complete proteins, consider incorporating diverse plant-based options such as quinoa, lentils, edamame, and tofu. It ensures a colourful and flavourful protein palette, broadening the nutritional spectrum as well as catering to different dietary preferences.

2. Prep Your Proteins for Success

Planning is pivotal in making any habit stick. By preparing protein-rich meals (like cooking a batch of chicken) and snacks in advance, you ensure that convenient and healthy options are readily available. This practice not only saves time but also empowers you to make mindful choices, steering clear of less nutritious alternatives.

3. Understanding Your Protein Intake Needs

You might be wondering "How much protein do I need daily?". The easiest way to meet your protein needs is to follow the MyPlate model, which recommends filling ¼ of your plate with healthy proteins. However, your unique protein requirements can be different than someone else's. Factors such as age, weight, activity level, and health goals play a role in determining your optimal protein intake. 

For most adults, a standard guideline suggests consuming around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Although this is a general recommendation, it may not be appropriate for everyone. Contrary to popular belief, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight doesn’t represent an ideal intake. Instead, it represents the minimum intake needed to prevent malnutrition.

To calculate your daily protein requirement, follow these steps:

  1. Convert your weight to kilograms: Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. This will give you your weight in kilograms.

  2. Multiply by your recommended protein intake: Use the appropriate range based on your lifestyle and goals (e.g., 1.2 to 2.4 grams per kilogram).

For example, if you weigh 70 kilograms and aim for a protein intake of 1.5 grams per kilogram, you would require 105 grams of protein daily.

Still not sure about your exact protein intake requirement or what your optimal intake is based on your lifestyle? Check out Examine’s evidence-based Protein Intake Calculator and their Optimal Protein Intake Guide for even more evidence-based information on your protein needs

On National Protein Day, let's not just acknowledge the importance of protein, but also actively incorporate it into our daily lives. Here's to a healthier, protein-packed you – today and every day!


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